Do not buy my music. Don’t do it!

Hello friend,

Please don’t buy any of my music this holiday season. I mean it.

But I tell you this: If you donate to a local women’s shelter in your community, or to the Canadian Network of Women’s Shelters and Transition Houses, I will give you whatever record of mine you’d like. Just email and let me know the album and the preferred format (ie digital or hard copy).

I’m just going to believe you. The news lately has been so awful. I need to help people and trust people right now, and this is how I’m going to do it.

So let’s work together.

May December find you filled with love, safety and hope.

Megan xo


Song for a Winter’s Night

Happy New Year! Here’s hoping you had a chance to spend time with loved ones and unwind a bit as 2015 came to a close. I couldn’t have asked for a nicer way to say goodbye to a good, sometimes hard and very busy year by making a video with two dear friends, Kris & Dee.

If you’re interested in following me along in a longer format, please subscribe to my newsletter.

Hope you like our Lightfoot cover – we had such a good time making it, and Kris did a lovely job encapsulating that sentiment, I think. 🙂

Special handmade holiday fun!

Pretty excited to share with you these little bird houses that I made. I made them for trees, but they also sit really nicely in windowsills or on top of dressers.

I used pre-cut balsa wood rectangles and glued them together and then painted them with non-toxic acrylic paint. I was trying to think of a neat and special pairing for holiday prezzies – music and crafts.

Check it out, and let me know what you think – click on the picture! ❤


Newsletter – Sign up!

This newsletter is my preferred method of communication with people who are interested in what I’m doing. It gives me a nice opportunity to get a little more personal about what’s going on in my music world – what I’m up to, how I’m feeling about it all, what sort of stuff I think you might be interested in. I’d love to have to join up – I only send them out about once every month or two.

Sign up here!

Pre-sale for Forty Warm Streams to Lead Your Wings and #4am is released!


Today is a special day! Today we release #4am and begin pre-sale for Forty Warm Streams to Lead Your Wings (due 9/25). Just in time for the Wolfe Island Music Festival.

Please take a listen on Bandcamp:

Here is the YouTube album teaser:

Pre-sale here:

SoundCloud link here:

#40wstlyw Help us spread the word! Thank you!